Animal world of Azerbaijan

by farhadova

The distribution of the animal world in Azerbaijan is influenced by the relief conditions and the change of the corresponding vegetation, and the location of the water bodies.  14,000 species of insects, 104 species of fish, 11 species of amphibians, 63 species of reptiles, 405 species of birds, and 115 species of mammals have been recorded in the fauna of Azerbaijan. In the Kura-Araz plain and in areas up to 500-600 m high (semi-desert and dry steppes), the dryland animals include hare, fox, jackal, wolf, quick lizard, red-tailed gerbil, Lesser Asian gerbil, Arab hare, land tortoise, viper, koramal,  wild mouse etc. can be found.  Wild boar, reed cat, jackal, water rat, water snake, marsh beaver, birds, wagtail, soltan hen, turaj, golden goose, partridge, duck, and coot live in the reeds and coastal areas. In the rivers flowing through the territory of the republic, there are fish species such as bream, bream, eel, sif, khasham, nakha and bobla. Tuğay meşələrində heyvanat aləmi çöl donuzu, dovşan, tülkü, çaqqal, porsuq, kirpi, ilan, kərtənkələdən ibarətdir. Bu ərazilərdə bayquş, ağacdələn, qu-qu quşu, qaratoyuq və s. quşlar məskən salır. Ölkənin digər düzənlik meşələrində və dağətəyi kolluqlarda həmçinin ayı, çüyür, vaşaq, sincab, maral, vəhşi pişik, yenot, sağsağan, sarıköynək, ağacdələn yaşayır. Meşələr heyvanlar aləmi ilə ən zəngin ərazilərdir. Burada maral, qonur ayı, dağ keçisi, qarapaça, bəbir, dələ, vaşaq, meşə pişiyi, köpkər, porsuq, sincab, oxlu kirpi, çöl donuzu vardır. Meşələrdə ağacdələn, kəklik, turac, qaraleylək, qartal, bülbül, Qafqaz tetrası, Zaqafqaziya qırqovulu kimi quşlara və s. heyvanlara rast gəlinir. High mountain meadows and cliffs are habitats for hares, foxes, mountain goats, leopards, snow mice, marmots, wolves, jackals, Caspian deer, Caucasian deer, and hyenas. In these areas, among the birds, you can find woodpeckers, pigeons, partridges, quails, nightjars, and among the reptiles, vipers, stilts, and toads.  A large number of migratory and resident birds can be found in coastal areas, islands and freshwater lakes of the Caspian Sea. Animal resources of the republic include hunted fish, animals used for fur skin and meat.  Animal species living in hunting farms, fed for industrial and medical purposes (medical leeches) can also be attributed to animal resources.  Due to economic importance, the fish resources caught in the Caspian Sea, Kura River, Araz River, water reservoirs and reservoirs are particularly distinguished. Birds that live in water, wild boar, mountain goat, deer, roe deer, and partridge are hunted.  In Absheron, vipers are kept to get medicine (snake venom). There are 20 hunting farms in the republic.  Areas where animals are hunted occupy an area of ​​5.2 million ha.  18 hunting farms are public organizations, 2 are state farms.

Brown bear


Water snake

Pelican in Pirallahi







Mountain goat

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